Connect with a Freelancer

Collaborate with experts. Getting work done has never been easier!

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How it Works

1. Request a job
(it’s free!)

Fill out a quick form with your job brief to let us know what you’re after. We have a large pool of talented Dzyn Space freelancers that are happy to help with jobs of any type and size.

2. Get matched with hand-selected talent

You’ll be matched and introduced to the perfect freelancer, hand-picked for your unique requirements. If you want we can offer you a range of price options for your request. Tell us your budget and we can match you to a Freelancer. Our freelancers are heavily vetted to ensure you’re working with only the best.

3. Create something beautiful together

Collaborate with your new freelancer offsite, negotiate a price that works for you, and bring your ideas to life. 5-10% of the payment from any direct work will be paid to Dzyn Space as commission.


“I found my graphic designer through this site! She been with us for 5 months now.”

Mike G.

“I needed someone to create a great looking newsletter template, then add the copy I supply for our club newsletters. I email them my copy and photos in word and in 24 hours I have the finished newsletter back ready to email out. The sponsors love it – we highlight one of them each edition.”

Mike H.

“This was an awesome experience! The freelancer I got was fantastic and it was great that we were able to work and communicate outside of Dzyn Space unlike other freelancer platforms. I need a new website build – John and the team at Dzyn Space co-ordinated everything for us. Came in under budget and on time.”

Jo K.

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Get connected with an expert freelancer today. It’s quick, easy and free to request a job.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You are matched to Freelancer. You give them a brief, they quote and you pay the Freelancer direct

We probably have Freelancers for every request that you can make. Just tell us what you want, rough idea of your budget – even the hourly rate you want to pay, and we’ll find the right person for you.